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How To Play

PUSH to get the right cards.

PLANT matching cards to land tricks.

LAND five tricks to win the game.

Simple enough, but you can...

EAT PAVEMENT to fall off your board.

BALANCE to avoid eating pavement.

KICK your opponents off their board.

GRIND to score extra points.

Watch Our Videos

Learn how to play Skate: The Card Game by watching the videos below! Download the rulebook here.

Complete playthrough on Tabletopia.

A sample playthrough + review.

An unboxing of Skate: The Card Game.

What people are saying

in the press & on board game geek

It is the most charming little card game you've ever seen.

Becca Scott

Easy to pick up after a round or two and it gets ADDICTING!

BGG Reviewer

Dares you to land tricks with style in a fast-paced race.


Although the card game won't replace skateboarding, the excitement comes very close.

BGG Reviewer

Visually exciting and has some interesting mechanics.


It's a casual, fun, and fast-paced, game. I want to keep playing it!

BGG Reviewer

You don't find many skateboarding tabletop games, so I'm all over this one!

8-Bit Central